🌟Your journey to fulfillment ​starts here!

As your life coach, I will equip you with ​the tools and unwavering support to

navigate life's challenges and transform ​them into stepping stones to success.

Let's create a life

that fills you with joy!​ #JourneyToFulfillment ​#EmpowermentCoach

About me

I am a single mother of three amazing adult daughters. As an ​empty nester, I am enjoying my time in Colorado, traveling, and ​spending time with friends and family. I have a love of nature ​and creative endeavors. I enjoy experiencing life and all it has to ​offer. I have worked in crisis shelters and education for many ​years and I am now using my professional and personal ​experiences to help others.

My philosophy

As a dedicated life coach, my mission is to empower my clients with the tools, insights,

and unwavering support they need to overcome challenges, unlock their full potential, and

create fulfilling, purpose-driven lives.

My life coaching approach goes beyond traditional methodologies. I believe in the power

of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and authentic connections as the foundation for

personal growth and fulfillment. By leveraging my extensive experience, I equip my clients with the ​necessary tools and skills to navigate life's ups and downs with confidence and resilience.

I offer private 1:1 Coaching ​that is customized to fit ​your needs.

Sessions are typically 45 min and can be done on Zoom or Phone

Every coaching session with Julie has been ​so powerful and life changing. She has the ​rare ability to listen without judgment and ​with wisdom, clarity and profound insight ​pinpoint the underlying factors at play in ​almost any situation or challenge. She has ​helped me gain new perspectives, ​overcome obstacles, and take action on ​goals. She has given me tools that I use ​daily. --Joette

I’m so grateful for Julie and the life ​coaching she provided to me during a ​rough season of my life. Her calm ​demeanor and loving presence made it ​possible for me to be vulnerable around ​deeply emotionally charged issues. She ​normalized my experience and opened my ​eyes to new possibilities that I hadn’t ​considered before. She’s a wonderfully ​supportive presence and I would highly ​recommend working with her if you’re in ​need of a soft place to land as you navigate ​life’s challenges. Dara


I had been in a stagnant few years of my life ​with my career and unhappy with my ​relationship with some family members. It ​was suggested to me by a friend that I ​should try life coaching sessions with Julie ​Miller. I was a bit reluctant but gave it a go.

Not only were Julie’s coaching sessions ​beneficial to me with finding a new career ​path and helping me deal with my family ​relationship issues, it gave me the tools and ​way of thinking that help me through most ​issues when I’m feeling something is off. I ​can say that without a doubt, Julie’s ​compassion and professionalism helped ​me to build a happier life for myself. -Heidi ​E. Rufener

I feel as if I am a special client of Julie’s but I suspect she makes all her clients feel that way. ​Julie manages to convey that there is no other place she’d rather be than helping and ​supporting you. I have always felt safe and held by her in sessions. She challenges me to ​break through the barriers I put up inside myself to find the REAL thoughts that drive my ​actions. Then she helps me find the grace and love for myself to accept my own humanity. I ​always feel like I’ve taken one more step towards peace after a session with Julie. ​-Priya

Book a Call Now

Complementary First Session

To see how coaching can help you.

Julie Miller

Phone: 720-252-8903

Email: Julie.Miller5280@gmail.com